Pages found for search phrase "who is the author of https*www sciencedirect comsciencearticlepiis0191886923000302#s0115"
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Machadodorp Municipality
Tel 013 256 0015
Machadodorp has some of the best kept examples of old buildings and a
similar climate as Dullstroom. Named after Joachim Machado, the
Portuguese engineer. The area has some of the best trout ...
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Ratings: 0
CITIES/TOWNS: Belfast, Burgersfort, Dullstroom, Lydenburg,
Machadodorp, Ohrigstad, Roossenekal, Waterval Boven, Waterval Onder.
Mpumalanga's Highlands Meander is a nature lover's paradise, boasting
South Africa's premier fly-fishing mecca, some of the ...
Comments: 0
Ratings: 1
Found: 4
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